Sunday, March 22, 2009

Eco Survey for Change at ISB

We are looking at some things we can make more environmentally friendly at ISB. We need you to let us know if you want these changes or not.

Click Here to take survey

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Earth Hour - Will you vote?

MARCH 28th you can make a stand. EARTH HOUR: Turn off your electricity for 1 hour from 8:30pm - 9:30pm.

Will you vote for the earth this year? Let us know if you will participate by leaving a comment.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The lost eco-mmercial

MS students Zach and Matt made this excellent eco-mmercial for the original contest. This video got second place and was very close to winning. However, it could not be uploaded until now. So enjoy this powerful message.

Don't forget to enter in the new eco-mmercial contest with Central. Details are here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You Vote on Possible Changes

The students in the Environmental Stewardship class are looking at making a few more environmental improvements at ISB. Some of these changes also include healthier food choices and less animal cruelty. However, each change will come at a cost. Relax, we will not force any of this upon you. First, we will educate about the benefits of each and let you take a survey. If more than 50% of the people are against it, it will be dropped. If 50% or more are for it we will take it to another level, but nothing will be rushed.

Some of the changes we are looking at are:
  1. switch to free ranged, organic eggs (not raised in cages)
  2. switch to organic rice
  3. switch to unbleached, recycled napkins
Stay tuned for more info later. Meanwhile feel free to watch some of these videos to learn more.
  • Meet your Meat (warning - this is not easy to watch. Plus they are asking everyone to be vegetarian; which is not our goal. Nevertheless, it shows the animal cruelty taking place on many factory farms. If you are sensitive I would recommend looking at the videos below instead).
  • Store wars - amusing 'Star Wars' animation about organic food.
  • The Meatrix - amusing 'Matrix' animation about animal cruelty. You can also see Meatrix 2 and 2.5
The video below is only part 1 of Meet Your Meat. click the above link to see cruelty to pigs, cows, etc. Again, only view it if you think you can watch it.