Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eco Survey (Attitude and Behavior)

Thank you for helping me with this survey.

I need people to take my behavioral survey and attitude survey. I just need synergy students to answer the questions honestly (don't say what you think I want to hear; just be honest). This will be the pre-test and in about 3-4 months I will ask you to take it again for the post-test.

Now it is time for part 2: Post Test

Please do both by clicking on the link.
  • Behavioral survey (Eco Footprint). Please copy and paste the survey in a word document, complete the survey, and email it back to kerryd@isb.ac.th.
  • Attitudinal survey. There are 3 groups. Please read to make sure you chose the correct group depending on your experience.
Group 1: Those who have never taken the Environmental Stewardship class before.
Group 2: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class in the last year or less.
Group 3: I have taken the Environmental Stewardship class more than 1 year ago.

Thank you for your help.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bottled Water Prices Double To 20 Baht

As ISB continues to make moves to be a greener school, tough decisions are made that are not always easy to swallow (pardon the pun). As of Oct 12, 2010 ISB will charge double for bottled water. This is to discourage the buying of bottled water and to encourage more to move toward using reusable bottles that are safe and better for the planet.

ISB has supported this move by installing 2 new water dispensers in the cafeteria and sports area. This dispenser provides clean, safe drinking water for FREE! ISB has also ordered 1400 safe and eco friendly reusable water bottles. These bottles are being sold now at the bookstore for 350 baht.

The hardest part is to convince people to learn the truth about bottled water and stop believing misleading advertising and media. Most of us believe bottled water taste better, is safer and healthier, and comes from pristine water flowing from an untouched mountains. This simply is NOT true and there is plenty of evidence of this on the Internet and in other places. If you look at the presentation below you will start learning the truth about bottled water.

We also invite the ISB community to join us for Movie Night on Thursday, Oct 21, 2010. We will show the movie TAPPED in the new theater at 2:20 and 3:30.

Friday, September 3, 2010

ISB Health & Fitness Week

Health & Fitness Week at ISB September 13 – 16:

This year’s theme = Healthy People/ Healthy Planet. For detailed information and facts about some of the events check out the slide show and movie.

  • Monday: Walking school bus for those who live in the Nichada area. For more information about this, check out www.walkingschoolbus.org Contact Sabine Mau (sabinecmau@yahoo.com/ 082-332-3010) if you would like to volunteer to be a “bus driver.”
  • Monday: Meatless Monday in both the ES and main cafeterias – lots of delicious vegetarian options! See MENU HERE
  • Tuesday: Morning fitness exercises with Mr. Udagawa in front of the school (7:05 a.m.)
  • Tuesday: Health Checks given by Samithivej Hospital (in front of the Booster Hut) - open to all community members
  • Wednesday: Cycling Day. Let’s see if we can get 500 bicycles on campus!
  • Thursday: Health and Fitness Fair all day in the PE area: health checks given by Bumrungrad Hospital, fitness vendors, interactive health classes
  • All Week: Healthy food options in the cafeterias


Food Matters

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tree Planting - 2010

30 students, 300 trees, lots of rain and a bus that broke down 7 times.

Great group of kids on this trip. Hope you had a great time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Week 2010

Earth Week is from April 26-30. We will have different events each and every day as well as special guests. Hope you will participate. Check out the events below.

Earth week 40th anniversary

For full Earth Week 2010 presentation click here

Earth Day at ISB

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. At ISB we celebrated it by looking at what we have accomplished over the past 5 years. Please check out this video to see what changes have been made at ISB... many of them by students.

This video shows what students are doing for the environment or what they will do during Earth Week (April 26-30)

Also today 3 students (Katie, Eng and Oliva) went on Spanish radio to talk about the environment. This was broadcast in Spain, USA, and South American countries.

Congratulations ISB for taking steps towards a greener school.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This Explains It All - V-Day, Carrotmob, Ban Plastic, etc

Today I presented to a full theater about what we are doing. It covered from beginning to end 1) The Problem: Plastic Bags, 2) The Solution, 3)How Do You Change Business: Carrotmob, 4) Action: V-Day, 5) Next Steps

In my opinion this is definitely the best way to get a handle on everything that is happening. Probably also the easiest way to explain it to a friend.

Hope you enjoy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bangkok Post Article

As V-Day gets closer we are stepping up our efforts to let more and more know what is happening. Yesterday the Bangkok Post featured our efforts to ban plastic bags in Thailand on the front page of their business section. See full article here.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eco Trip: Kaeng Kachan 2010

27 students, 3 adults on a fun trip to Kaeng Kachan National Park. Jan 15-17, 2010.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eco Trip Info

This weekend 28 MS and HS students will go to Kaeng Kachan National park. Trip includes hiking, rafting, mt. biking, boat tour, tree planting, etc.

Departure date: Friday, Jan 15. Leave ISB 2:00 pm
Return date: Sunday, Jan 17. Leaving site approximately 3:00 and should be back around 6pm.
Bring own tent or share with a friend. Let me know if you really need one.
Transportation: Montri Bus
Participants: we have approximately 28 students
What to take
: Please see below for my general checklist for all trips and things to remember.

General Camping Checklist

· Tent or partner up with someone with a tent. - If you can't get a tent email me to let me know. I can get you one if needed.
· Sleeping bag
· Flash light
· Sun cream, hat, and sun glasses
· Reusable water bottle
· Washing kit (soap, towel, toothbrush & paste)
· Clothes for getting wet and/or swimming
· Clothes for hiking: proper shoes, small back pack
· At night it could be hot or cold so be prepared for both.
· Be prepared for rain
· Snacks (reduce packaging)
· Spending money (about 500 baht)

To be more eco-friendly:

· Flash light without batteries
· Reusable water bottle
· Biodegradable soap
· Non toxic bug spray
· Little to no packaging/litter. We will not use a trash bin. You will keep all of your trash with you throughout trip! So keep it to a minimum.

Other things you can bring:

· Camera
· Phones and iPods are allowed on the trip but can only be used when in the tent and bus.
· No video games please. Use this time to socialize and take a break from technology.
· Pillow

Most important things to remember:
· Positive attitude. Remember you volunteered to go on this trip so enjoy it. Also remember others paid to do this and they want to enjoy it too. Get the most out of the experience.
· Some of you may have never done anything like this and you might not be comfortable with the changes such as sleeping in a tent, being away from mom and dad, different style showers/toilets, different food, getting dirty, etc. Remember it’s all a part of the experience… enjoy it.
· You are a Green Panther. Take some pride in that. You care about the environment... RIGHT? Therefore, don’t just say it; show it in your actions. Clean up after yourself. Pick up trash, clean your dishes, etc. The teacher should not have to remind you to clean the bus or anything else.
· No Mae-baans on the trip. You will have to take care of yourself and show some responsibility and independence. The teachers are there to help when you really need it, but try to do things for yourself first.
· Most trips are new and it is also new for the teacher, thus, we don’t always know what is happening next. Be patient. Sometimes the plan changes and we will inform you when we know. Do NOT keep asking the teacher the same old questions they don’t have the answers to; such as, when will we arrive? Why aren’t we there yet? Remember we want to enjoy the trip too and answering 100 unnecessary questions is NOT fun.

Thank you and please call me if you need any information.
085 837 6825

Kerry Dyke

Student list

1. Justin Hathaway
2. Kira Reau
3. Julie De Meyere
4. Prairie Yooprasert
5. Alex Hill
6. Roni Bar
7. Liam Daly
8. Omer Bareket
9. Regina Durst
10. Kayla McEwen
11. Sarah Corning
12. Maya Ben-Yaacov
13. Ella Peled
14. Mark Huistra
15. Devon Lonigro
16. Angela Lutz
17. Claudia Lutz
18. Natalie Kang
19. JJ Erpaiboon
20. Katie Henderson
21. Cha Patra-Yanan
22. Andy Real
23. Raimy Shin
24. Brian Woo
25. Isabel Francisco
26. Eric Hsiao
27. Jayna Milan
28. Grace S


January, Friday 15,

14:00 Leave ISB for Kaeng Krachan Park
17:00 Arrive the park and camping

January, Saturday 16,

06:30 Get ready to go into THE PARK, 3 pickup trucks will come picking up the group
07:30 Have breakfast
8:30 Leave for the park
09:30 Arrive the park then set up the tents
10:30 Go hiking in Baan Grang Park
12:00 Have lunch ( lunch box)
13:00 Leave for where you are camping
15:00 Free time
16:30 Do some fun activities with the leader/s or tour guide/s from the park
18:00 Have dinner
19:00 Campfire
21:00 Go to bed

January, Sunday 17,

05:00 Get up to get ready
06:00 Bird and nature watching
07:00 Have breakfast
08:00 farewell.
09:00 Leave for the place that do rafting and biking

- Rafting

- Biking

- Tree planting