Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Help Local Businesses near ISB

Let's help local businesses become more eco friendly & sustainable. For Earth Week we have invited businesses just outside Nichada to our Carrotmob competition. Que Pasa, Slider Shack, New York Diner, Subway, and Twist have all accepted the offer.

They were asked to do what they can to be more eco friendly and sustainable.
For example:

  • Que Pasa might put more organic items on their menu.
  • Slider Shack might use only free range meat.
  • New York Diner might decide to retrofit their restaurant to be more energy efficient.
  • Subway may reduce packaging.
  • Twist has already done a lot, but there’s always room for more.

Student teams have already visited each business to analyze their operation and look for areas to improve. We will offer suggestions and resources, but the final decision to make any change is totally up to the owner. During Earth week, the Green Panthers will determine a winner and the winner will receive the support of the mob to show up and shop after school on Friday, April 29th. If more than one business makes significant changes, we will most likely support them as well.

When we did this for Villa a year ago, our goal was 500 supporters. 1397 supporters showed up to make a big statement! Let's do it again.

Please sign up for "ISB Earth Week Carrotmob" by clicking the link.

What do you have to do to help?

The beauty of the Carrotmob is you don't do much to be effective.

  • 1st - Become a member of this group.
  • 2nd - Use FB, Twitter, and your voice to spread the message to your friends and family in the ISB area.
  • 3rd - 2:15 pm Friday, April 29th join us to go shopping to support the winner!

What are you waiting for... let's make our community more sustainable!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for the Slider Shack! They're awesome! Love eating there.
    --picky food eater.


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